Quando el Rey (Sephardic)
Language: Ladino
Quando el Rey Nimrod al campo salia
mirava en el cielo y en la estrelleria
vido una luz santa en la juderia
que havia de nascer Avraham Avinu.
Avraham Avinu, Padre querido
Padre bendicho, luz de Yisrael
Luego a las comadres encomendava
que toda mujer que prenyada quedara
si no pariera al punto, la matara
que havia de nascer Avraham Avinu.
Avraham Avinu, Padre querido
Padre bendicho, luz de Yisrael
When King Nimrod was going out to the fields
He was looking at heaven and at the stars
He saw a holy light above the Jewish quarter
[A sign] that Abraham, our father, must have been born.
Abraham Avinu [our Father], dear father
Blessed Father, Light of Israel
Then he was telling all the midwives
That every pregnant woman
Who did not give birth at once was going to be killed
because Abraham our father was going to born.
Abraham Avinu [our Father], dear father
Blessed Father, Light of Israel